Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

theory and exercise passive voice

1. Definition (Pengertian)
Kalimat Pasif yaitu kalimat yang ‘subjek-nya’ dikenai pekerjaan. Kalimat ini biasanya kata kerjanya
diartikan “di” atau “ter”.
Contoh :
Aktif : Ahmad cleans the room everyday.
(Ahmad membersihkan ruangan itu setiap hari)
Pasif : The room is cleaned by Ahmad everyday
(Ruangan itu dibersihkan Ahmad setiap hari.
2. Basic pattern (Pola dasar)
Subj + to be + V3
Bentuk to be tergantung pada “Tenses” dan “Subjek”.
Bentuk to be: Present : is, am, are
Past : was, were
Cont. : being
Perfect : been
future/modal : be
Aktif (me/ber) Pasif (di/ter)
1. They clean the room everyday 1. The room is cleaned by them everyday
2. They cleaned the room yesterday 2. The room was cleaned by them yesterday
3. They are cleaning the room now 3. The room is being cleaned by them now
4. They have cleaned the room 4. The room has been cleaned by them
5. They will clean the room tomorrow 5. The room will be cleaned by them tomorrow
6. They must clean the room 6. The room must be cleaned by them

Contoh soal :

1. New products …… in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.
a. display c. was displaying e. have displayed
b. displayed d. were displayed
Jawab: d (were displayed) : dipamerkan
2. We cannot swim in the swimming pool now, because it…………….now.
a. cleans c. is being cleaned e. has been cleaning
b. is cleaning d. has cleaned
Jawab: c (is being cleaned) : sedang dibersihkan
3. Geologists have explained the cause of earthquakes in terms of a theory…….as plate tectonics.
a. knows c. which knows e. that known
b. knowing d. known
Jawab: d (known) : diperpendek dari “which is known”=known : yang dikenal
4. A : ‘What time will the delayed plane depart?’
B : ‘They say that it……………..soon.’
a. will announce c. is to announced e. announces
b. has announced d. will be announced
Jawab: d (will be announced) : akan diumumkan
5. A : ‘I’d like to reserve a single room for next week, please.’
B : ‘I’m sorry, Sir. Our hotel ………… until the end of this month.’
a. It is fully booked c. is fully booked e. will book
b. We booked d. booking it fully
Jawab: c (is fully booked) : dipesan (sudah penuh=fully). Kata ‘fully’ (ket. Penegas pada kalimat
pasif, diletakkan setelah to be sebelum Verb3)

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